Kengeri Kannan takes part in a bicycle race

Kengeri loves and lives for challenges. Having learnt to ride his new bicycle, the chance to take part in a bicycle race was just what he was looking forward to. Join us at the sports fair to watch Kengeri compete in the race and to cheer him on!

Kengeri Kannan goes to Gwalior – Part 1 – A long train journey

Kengeri Kannan and his family are going on a visit to the historical city of Gwalior. The family must take a long train journey from Bangalore to Gwalior. In this first part of a two-part story, we travel with the family on the train and relive our experiences of the train journeys in India.

केंगेरी कण्णन चले मेला देखने

दोस्तों, आखिरकार हम अपनी कहानियों को हिंदी में लेकर हाज़िर हैं। सबसे पहले हम चलेंगे अपने मस्त-मौला दोस्त केंगेरी कण्णन और उनके परिवार के साथ उनके गाँव के बसंत मेले में। इस मेले में खिलौने हैं, खाना-पीना है, और एक circus भी है। उनके घर में सभी को हर साल इस मेले का इंतज़ार रहता है, पर केंगेरी कण्णन ख़ास तौर पर उत्सुक हैं कोकिला दी की मधुर आवाज़ सुनने के लिए। तो चलिए, सभी के साथ में कृष्णपुरम के मेले में।

केंगेरी का गीत

कृष्णपुरम के मेले में कोकिला दी का मधुर गाना सुनकर केंगेरी कण्णन ने ठान लिया कि वे भी गाना सीखेंगे। कोकिला दी के कहे अनुसार, रोज़ रियाज़ करने के बाद, क्या केंगेरी गाना सीख पाए?

Kengeri Kannan Wants to Sleep

Kengeri Kannan returns from his farm and is very tired. He falls into such a deep sleep that nobody is able to wake him up. Luckily for Kengeri, someone has a great idea to wake him up from his slumber. Listen to this story to find out if the idea really worked or if Kengeri is still asleep!

Kengeri Kannan Goes to the Village Fair

Have you ever been to a travelling fair? No? Come join Kengeri Kannan as he, along with his wife and children, goes to the village fair. As usual Kengeri is clumsy and slips on a banana peel! As they explore the fair, they buy little toys, watch the performers at the circus, and listen to Kengeri's favourite song.

Kengeri Kannan Learns to Sing

After watching his favourite singer Kokila Di, sing at the village fair, Kengeri Kannan just can't wait to learn to sing. He follows every advice that Kokila Di gives him and practices every day! But, does Kengeri finally learn to sing? Listen to the story to find out.

Kengeri Kannan Wants to Ride a Bicycle

Kengeri Kannan dreams about winning a bicycle race, but realizes that he never learned to ride one in his life! Do Kengeri's dreams of riding a bicycle come true? Does he learn to ride one? Listen to the story to find out.