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Ammu’s Adventures
  • Ammu and the Girl Band

    Ammu and her friends get together to form a music band. Practicing in the school music room and each other’s homes, they prepare for the Inter-School Music Competition. Through teamwork and creativity, they discover the joy of making music together.


  • Ammu’s superpower

    We know that all children are super-special and are born with a superpower. It is only a matter of time when they become aware of it. This first episode of Season 3 is a story about 5-year-old Ammu discovering her really cool superpower! Listen in to find out what Ammu’s superpower is and how she discovers it.


  • Ammu’s 1st Birthday

    This is a story about Ammu’s 1st birthday. It’s a special celebration with her Mumma, Papa, and Daadi. Even though Nandita is now much older, we have used recordings of her from when she was a baby, for Ammu’s voice in this story.


  • All that Ammu wants to be

    Like all little children, 6-year-old Ammu wants to be so many things when she grows up - an astronaut, a gymnast, a teacher, a cricket player, and so much more. But can Ammu be and do all that she wants to? Listen in to hear the conversation she has with her Kaka.


  • Ammu makes a new friend

    It’s the summer holidays and Ammu meets Dhruv, her best friend’s cousin. Dhruv does not respond to Ammu when she tries to talk to him, and she is sad that he does not want to play with her. Will he go to a play date at Ammu’s home when she invites him?


  • अम्मु की सीटी

    अम्मु एक ख़ुशमिज़ाज लड़की है जिसे गाने का बहुत शौक़ है। पर अब वह सीटी बजाना सीखना चाहती है और पूरे दिल से कोशिश करती है। आख़िरकार, क्या वह सीटी बजाना सीख जाती है? अगर आप भी सीखना चाहते हो, तो आओ अम्मु की कहानी सुनो।...

  • Ammu Learns to Whistle

    Ammu is a happy-go-lucky girl who loves to sing and is delighted to learn how to whistle! She tries and tries to whistle, but does she finally do it? Listen to the story if you want to learn to whistle too!


  • Ammu’s Summer Holidays

    Ammu has the most amazing summer holidays with her family, doing what she loves most! From dream-filled train journeys to boisterous arguments with cousins, join us as we travel with Ammu and learn about her passion and determination to play her favourite sport - cricket!


Now you too can gift a story to your loved ones on their special day! Reserve your dates now!